Gossip » Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore & Alicia Keys: Glamour Girls!

Gossip » Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore & Alicia Keys: Glamour Girls! 
Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore & Alicia Keys

Making for a trifecta of hotness, Jennifer Aniston, Alicia Keys, and Demi Moore cover the October 2011 issue of Glamour magazine.

Set to hit newsstands on September 6th, the lovely ladies opened up about the crucial women’s health crusade that brought them together, as well as families and friendships, husbands, boyfriends and babies.

Check out the highlights from their interviews below. For more, be sure to visit Glamour!

What Jennifer Aniston shared with Glamour:

On wanting to bring the Five project to life...
“We were intrigued by the challenge of creating short stories that would defy audiences’ expectation of the subject. We wanted to balance the drama with humor and irreverence because that’s what’s helped our friends who’ve faced this get through their treatment. We wanted stories that were informative without being heavy-handed. Oh, and they needed to be brilliantly written. Other than that, our goals were small. [Laughs.]”

On putting her feet and handprints on the Hollywood Walk of Fame…
“It was a milestone in my career, which was surreal because I still think I’m at the beginning of it. I remember when they told me about the honor, I thought, Really? I’ve never lost that feeling of ‘oh God, I hope I get this job!’ I don’t want to get too used to any of this because then entitlement sets in, and that’s the kiss of death.”

On what she looks for in a relationship…
“I would say I couldn’t be in a relationship without equality, generosity, integrity, spirit, kindness and humor. And awesomeness.”

On not believing what you read in the tabloids…
“There’s not nearly as much stealing and obsessing and middle-of-the-night secret calls to ex-boyfriends and scheming and cheating [as they lead you to believe]. Most of it’s just bull--t, however entertaining.”

What Demi Moore shared with Glamour:

On raising awareness through her Five film Charlotte...
“I think that so often there is that ‘out of sight, out of mind’ feeling, like breast cancer is happening to other people, not you. Before this project came up. Even I really didn’t want to pay attention. I feel that this came to me to make me pay attention.”

On the power of Twitter…
“I saw Twitter as this opportunity to connect with people and actually show a side of myself that is much lighter. And all of a sudden people were getting to know me, and I was connecting with people. At its core, Twitter is about sharing, and I think that in life we never feel better or more energized than when we’re giving to someone else.”

On what she gets giddy about…
“I’m an old-school romantic, so I get giddy when Ashton shows me another way of saying ‘I love you’—any little thought or gesture that’s playful or sweet. We leave Post-it notes for each other; some have been sticking up for five or six years! For me, it’s the small things.”

What Alicia Keys shared with Glamour:

On choosing to direct her Five film Lili...
“After I read the scripts, I felt like this was something important, and I wanted to be a part of it. I chose Lili because she’s close to my age and I understood the family dynamic. I had an immediate idea of what I could bring to it.”

On reality music shows like American Idol…
“Initially, I felt like it was showing people that to be an artist you’re just supposed to get on TV. But as time passed, and the industry changed, I started thinking of it as an outlet for people who otherwise wouldn’t have any opportunity to be heard. Now I think it’s a good thing. When you’re talented, you’re talented.”

On the breakthrough moment she had while in Egypt (it inspired her son’s name too!)…
“It was a time of transition. There were certain people [I was working with] who weren’t right. I had friends who weren’t right anymore. I was tired and I had overworked myself and burnt myself out. So I went to Egypt by myself. When I saw what was built there, it made me understand how powerful we are, that we can create anything. And I felt like I needed to create things that were timeless too.”

Gossip » Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore & Alicia Keys: Glamour Girls! 
Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore & Alicia Keys
Gossip » Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore & Alicia Keys: Glamour Girls! 
Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore & Alicia Keys

Photo Credit: Glamour
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