Will Smith to Obama: Raise My Taxes! » Celebrity Gossip

Will Smith to Obama: Raise My Taxes!/celebrity gossip
Will Smith to Obama: Raise My Taxes!

As Barack Obama continues to make his way around the country, trumpeting The Buffet Rule - which would apply a minimum tax rate of 30 percent on individuals making over one million dollars/year - he can now take comfort in having a famous person on his side.

Someone who was reportedly paid $20 million for his latest movie role.

"I'm very supportive of that idea," Will Smith recently told The Associated Press. "America has been fantastic to me. I have no problem paying whatever I need to pay to keep my country growing."

Smith, of course, is about to star in Men in Black III, which opens on May 25. Will you go see it?

And, on a less important note, do you support The Buffet Rule?
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