Life's a Tripp: Bristol Palin, Son to Star in New Reality Show » Celebrity Gossip

Life's a Tripp: Bristol Palin, Son to Star in New Reality Show » Celebrity Gossip
Life's a Tripp: Bristol Palin, Son to Star in New Reality Show

Lifetime has released the first promo pic for Bristol Palin's upcoming reality series, called "Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp." Yes, this is a real story and a real show.

The title is a play on words, natch, because her three-year-old son is named ... Tripp. Is he Tripp Palin or Tripp Johnston? That we don't know honestly.

What's undoubtedly clear? The kid's a dead ringer for his deadbeat dad:

The show chronicles Bristol and Tripp's journey from Wasilla, Alaska to Los Angeles, Calif., where Bristol accepts a job with a local non-profit organization.

Bristol Palin tells TV Guide of her decision to star on her own reality show:

"I was game for it. I wanted to show how down-to-earth my family and I are. My parents were skeptical at first. But they know I'm responsible."

"I won't be getting drunk on TV. This isn't Jersey Shore. It's a family show."

Okay, there's no way Sarah Palin objected to any publicity for her family. Unless she's just jealous that she's not starring, in which case we'll buy it.

The 14-episode Life's a Tripp premieres June 19 on Lifetime. Spoiler alert: She will not be letting trip watch Glee, as she thinks it makes kids gay.
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