Nicole Richie's Stylish Glamour June 2012 Feature » Celebrity Gossip

Nicole Richie's Stylish Glamour June 2012 Feature » Celebrity Gossip/celebrity gossip
Nicole Richie's Stylish Glamour June 2012 Feature

She's in the midst of the debut season of her new NBC series "Fashion Star" and, to help draw attention, Nicole Richie landed herself a feature in the June 2012 issue of Glamour magazine.

The 30-year-old fashionista donned designer beachwear including a yellow Martin Grant top with a Agnès B bikini and an orange Winter Kate dress with a House of Harlow 1960 chocker for the elegant Patric Shaw shot spread lining the pages.

Meanwhile, highlights from Miss Richie's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to pay a visit to Glamour!

On whether husband Joel Madden notices when she changes her hair:
"Joel noticed this Valentine’s Day that I had bangs. He looked at me and was like, 'You got bangs, I see.' I was like, 'I’ve had bangs since I was 22 years old!' [Laughs.]"

On whether she thinks of herself as a trendsetter:
"No! [Laughs.] My world is small. I have my circle of 10 friends, my kids, my family. None of them call me a trendsetter."

On advice for women starting their own business:
"Study your craft. Know it well before you jump in. I wait all the time. Because I don’t want to just put my name on something and then release it. What’s the point of that?"

Nicole Richie's Stylish Glamour June 2012 Feature » Celebrity Gossip/celebrity gossip
Nicole Richie's Stylish Glamour June 2012 Feature

Nicole Richie's Stylish Glamour June 2012 Feature » Celebrity Gossip/celebrity gossip
Nicole Richie's Stylish Glamour June 2012 Feature

Nicole Richie's Stylish Glamour June 2012 Feature » Celebrity Gossip/celebrity gossip
Nicole Richie's Stylish Glamour June 2012 Feature

Photo Credit: Patric Shaw for Glamour
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