Will Amanda Bynes Go to Rehab? » Gossip

Amanda Bynes has agreed to lay low afterwards her abettor and administrator ordered her to stop actuality a accoutrement of the Hollywood nightlife scene. Is a cruise to adjust next?

As has been broadly reported, Bynes was arrested for DUI afterwards she hit a badge car, again alternate the abutting night to the aforementioned club she went to beforehand.

She was again complex in addition cartage adventure aftermost week. As she keeps on partying (and some say crashing), accompany are advancement the brilliant to go to rehab.

"Amanda has been in a bottomward circling for six months. Alike admitting her dad about said she doesn't alcohol he knows she has a problem," says a friend.

Will Amanda Bynes Go to Rehab? » Gossip/Amanda Bynes
Amanda Bynes

As a antecedent told The New York Post, "She is not the aforementioned girl. She aloof does whatever she wants. Accompany are concerned; it's not the Amanda they know.”

"It's absolutely sad to witness. She is abnegation to go [to rehab]."

Says addition declared antecedent abutting to the situation:

"Amanda was aloof activity out afterwards cerebration afterwards her DUI arrest. She was spotted texting and active and aloof putting herself in absolutely abhorrent situations."

"Amanda's abettor and administrator accept ordered her to lay low and abstain clubs. She badly capital to go to Coachella aftermost weekend and she has been told not to go the additional weekend of the festival, but she is an adult."

"It would aloof attending actual bad if she were to go adjoin her admiral and end up activity to Coachella. She has promised that she won't go and she hasn't been spotted at any nightclubs in about a week, which is a alpha for her."

In any case, Amanda did accede to lay low ... as far as we know. Perhaps the comparisons to addition afflicted Hollywood starlet assuredly addled a nerve?

"Amanda thinks its acutely arbitrary that bodies are calling her the new Lindsay Lohan," says a source. "Comparisons amid the two are aloof antic as Amanda has never been arrested for biologic control or for burglary anything."

"Yes, she got arrested for a DUI, but that doesn't beggarly she is headed bottomward the aforementioned road. Amanda doesn't anchorage abrogating animosity appear Lindsay, she doesn't alike apperceive her, she aloof thinks it's sexist that the two are actuality compared."

"Men in Hollywood that get arrested for DUI don't face the aforementioned analysis that women do; that absolutely irks Amanda. She isn't demography the DUI lightly."
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