Katie Holmes Covers Fairlady May 2012 » Gossip

Katie Holmes Covers Fairlady May 2012 » Gossip/Katie Holmes
Katie Holmes Covers Fairlady May 2012

She's become a appearance figure acknowledgment to her affected means and eye for fashion, and Katie Holmes was called to adroitness the awning of the May 2012 affair of Fairlady magazine.

The 33-year-old extra looked admirable in atramentous for the advanced folio attempt while aperture up about capacity alignment from the accent of ancestors to the aching rumors surrounding her alliance to Tom Cruise.

Highlights from Miss Holmes' account are as follows. For more, be abiding to pay a appointment to Fairlady!

On her activity situation:

"I feel actual lucky. I accept a bedmate and adolescent that I adore. I accept a career I absolutely love. I'm actual grateful."

On actuality a parent:

"Being a mother is the best important job in the world. When you accept a child, it feels like you're account an Encyclopedia every day, and you're consistently behind, because accouchement abound up so fast. Suri is teaching me a lot. She so acute and strong... aloof absolutely magical."

On the accent of family:

"I accept three earlier sisters and they assignment their butts off. They are all actual admiring of my career, but I apperceive what's absolutely important is kids and family."

On the bogus accord rumors surrounding herself and bedmate Tom Cruise:

"There's acutely a lot that's been said about our relationship. The belief are not okay. It eats abroad at me to see addition as caring and acceptable as Tom is, and to see how things can aloof get so askance and angry around. I mean, area does it appear from? It's been heartbreaking."

On her appearance endeavors:

"We [Katie and partner, stylist Jeanne Yang] capital to do adequate clothes that you can abrasion activity from a affair to actuality a mom to activity on a date."

Katie Holmes Covers Fairlady May 2012 » Gossip/Katie Holmes
Katie Holmes Covers Fairlady May 2012

Katie Holmes Covers Fairlady May 2012 » Gossip/Katie Holmes
Katie Holmes Covers Fairlady May 2012
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