Khloe Kardashian Leaving Lamar Odom Because Of Mavericks Split » Gossip

Khloe Kardashian Leaving Lamar Odom Because Of Mavericks Split » Gossip/Lamar Odom
Khloe Kardashian with Lamar Odom

Star continues its absurd cause adjoin Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom’s alliance this anniversary with a adventure titled, “The Game is Over.”

The mag claims the couple’s accord is “hanging by a thread,” and now the “shocking blow” of Odom abrogation the Dallas Mavericks “could breach them afar forever.”

How so?

Star addendum that the NBA brilliant “still has the advantage of accepting traded yet again,” but says Kardashian “may not be auspicious him on from the stands in a new city.”

According to a declared “source” for the tabloid, “She aloof isn’t accessible to backpack up, leave her ancestors afresh and chase Lamar to some added accidental city, abnormally with their accord in such a brittle state.”

The declared cabal adds, “Khloe can’t delay to get aback to L.A. and allocution aggregate over with her mom and her sisters. She doesn’t demand to canal Lamar back he’s at such a low point.”

But Kardashian allegedly is abnegation to move with him if and back he’s traded again, which “could annihilate the marriage,” concludes the mag.

The abridged says Odom is planning a European break in the hopes of extenuative their relationship, but addition alleged “insider” determines, “It looks like that could be too little, too late.”



Actually, it’s this adventure that’s “too little, too late.”

Star definitively appear aftermost anniversary that the brace was splitting, and Gossip Cop airtight the rumor in a allotment which was retweeted by Kardashian herself.

The abridged is now backtracking on its antecedent address by adage that the brace “might” split.

Either way, it’s all LIES.

A antecedent abutting to Kardashian and Odom tells us that the latest change in his basketball career has not afflicted their charge to anniversary added in the least.
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