Colton Dixon on American Idol Elimination: God Will Guide Me » Gossip

Immediately aloft audition his name alleged by Ryan Seacrest aftermost night, as the latest American Idol finalist to get the boot, Colton Dixon was accommodating and humble. He alike apologized to the army for his poor Wednesday black performances.

A little while later, backstage with reporters, not abundant was altered for the dyed-hair rocker.

"[I'm] a little overwhelmed, but besides that, I'm good," Dixon said. "I apperceive God is activity to use me to do added things."

Colton Dixon on American Idol Elimination: God Will Guide Me » Gossip/Colton Dixon
Colton Dixon - "Bad Romance"

Was he at all affronted that the board acclimated up their save on Jessica Sanchez the anniversary before? Not remotely.

She "deserved to be saved, easily down," Colton said, abacus that he knew he'd be in the basal three was he was alleged to centermost date forth with Sanchez and Phillip Phillips.

Sounding aflame to address his own songs and body a career, Dixon went on to detail what he affairs for America to apprehend from him activity forward.

"I demand to do Christian music. That's area my heart's at. I grew up on it, that's what I've taken a angle for, and that's what I accept in. I'm activity to alpha autograph as anon as they let me and get started on a record, whether it's absolute [or on Interscope Records]. I don't apperceive what's activity to happen. I'm aloof aflame to allotment a allowance that God gave me. It's all in His timing. You've aloof got to let go and assurance that He's activity to do acceptable things with you."

We ambition Colton the best of luck on his journey.
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