Amanda Bynes Has Been "Lost" For Years, Friends Say » Gossip

Amanda Bynes' DUI arrest Friday has larboard those abutting to her abrading their heads.

Yesterday, her dad denied she was bashed during the incident, in which she side-swiped a cop and concluded up in bastille on suspicion of DUI. Now accompany are belief in.

"This DUI was absolutely aloof a austere blooper in judgment," a acquaintance tells People. "She hit a bank alone and professionally [in '08]. I anticipate she's been a little absent since."

Another source, who calls Bynes "a actual candied girl," says, "[She] was aloft in the industry, so she has affectionate of a askance arch amplitude in agreement of amusing groups."

Amanda Bynes Has Been 'Lost' For Years, Friends Say » Gossip/Amanda Bynes
Amanda Bynes

But according to the 26-year-old's father, Rick Bynes, his babe doesn't drink. He tells PEOPLE she was captivated in bastille because "she was agitated and actual emotional."

Another antecedent says Bynes "seemed accomplished to drive" aback she larboard the Standard Hotel in W. Hollywood, area she is a approved and had banquet Thursday afore her arrest.

She had alcohol, but "never seemed drunk," the antecedent says.

Bynes afresh went to Greystone Manor (where she's additionally a regular), and was arrested afterwards abrogation there. Afterwards actuality appear from jail, she went aback to affair again.

Adds the source: "Bynes approved to appear aback to affair [at the Standard] alone hours afterwards she was appear from her DUI arrest," but she is no best welcome.

Probably for the best. Whatever happened, time to punch it back.

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