Zooey Deschanel Covers Company March 2012 » Gossip

Zooey Deschanel Covers Company March 2012 » Gossip

Zooey Deschanel Covers Company March 2012

She's adequate success on her TV appearance "New Girl," and Zooey Deschanel finds herself on the awning of the March 2012 affair of Company magazine.

The 32-year-old poses for a too-cute Hilary Walsh attempt advance while chatting about accidentally entering a adorableness celebration and her cachet in the appearance world.

Highlights from Zooey's account are as follows. For more, be abiding to appointment Company!

On accidentally entering a adorableness pageant:

"It was basically all the accouterment of a adorableness pageant, after the swimsuit round! You had to do a big agreeable aperture cardinal and acknowledgment the sorts of questions they ask in adorableness pageants, about charity. I was abashed already I accomplished what it was. I anticipation I was entering a aptitude challenge – a celebration was not cool! But I'm not a quitter, so I ashore it out, and my mom and sister laughed at me the absolute time. I didn't win. A babe who played the viola did."

On nerding out on music:

"Old music, I mean. Interviewing Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys was activity changing. So was the aboriginal gig my parents took my sister and me to. It was a Rolling Stones concert in a behemothic amphitheatre back I was eight. Guns 'N Roses opened, and Axl Rose wore buttless pants. I was ashamed that you could see his butt! At eight that was like the best antic affair I've anytime seen."

On whether she considers herself a appearance icon:

"I'm not Lady Gaga – I don't advance the envelope that much. I apparently do added than best actresses, as I accept my folk bedrock band, She & Him. Bodies in the music apple are accustomed to go a little crazier; actresses usually break so safe – it's air-conditioned to be between. I'm not abashed to abrasion article weirder, alike if bodies don't like it."

Zooey Deschanel Covers Company March 2012 » Gossip 
Zooey Deschanel
Zooey Deschanel Covers Company March 2012 » Gossip 
Zooey Deschanel
Zooey Deschanel Covers Company March 2012 » Gossip 
Zooey Deschanel

Photo Credit: Hilary Walsh for Company
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