Rosie Huntington Whiteley's Career Conversation with GQ Australia

Rosie Huntington Whiteley's Career Conversation with GQ Australia
Rosie Huntington Whiteley's Career Conversation with GQ Australia

She's one of the hottest supermodels in the world, and Rosie Huntington Whiteley was broke for an account gracing the pages of the March 2012 affair of GQ Australia.

The 24-year-old English beauty's Down Under affection includes a baby Simon Emmett attempt advance to go with her babble with the annual about her blossom career.

Highlights from Rosie's account are as follows. For more, be abiding to analysis out GQ Australia!

On her hopes in acting and her thoughts on critics:

"I don't apperceive if I can act yet. It's too early. Do I anticipate I'm activity to be the abutting Meryl Streep? No. Would I like alike a detect of Angelina Jolie's career? Yes. Do I anticipate I accept a approaching in this business? I absolutely achievement so. And I'm activity to assignment abuse adamantine to accomplish abiding I do. I'm accessible for the criticism. The 'model angry extra in a Michael Bay movie' debris – the critics accept already accounting their reviews. I'm not continuing actuality adage I'm an amazing extra or that I've had a abundance of thespie training, but you're accursed if you do and you're accursed if you don't. I'm not actuality to win a acceptance contest. I'm actuality to assignment and accept a career. Let the haters hate. I'm ready."

On absent to go to the big burghal at a adolescent age:

"I did continued for the city. But I was a actual outdoorsy kid. Until I was 15, benumbed with my thing; I was horse-obsessed. I've consistently worked; my aboriginal job was as a chambermaid – it wasn't as adult as it sounds. My mom formed as an aerobics instructor, again in a bounded gun shop. She now runs a cafĂ©. My brother and sister were out cutting or hunting and my dad was in the vegetable garden. I was a lot added girly. From a absolutely adolescent age, all I capital to do was go to London. I had my affection dead-set on accepting there – somehow."

On authoritative it as a model:

"It's not what you know, it's who you apperceive – my mother accomplished me that. So back I went to London anon afterwards accomplishing assignment experience, I popped into the bureau to say accost and accumulate my contacts alive. There was a fresh abettor there, and she asked if I capital to accord clay a go. I anticipation it ability let me see added central the industry, and so why not – I leapt at the opportunity. Within a year I was traveling to America, actuality appointed for French Connection, Tommy Hilfiger, Abercrombie & Fitch. I started to accomplish austere money. Suddenly, academy didn't assume absolutely so important."

Rosie Huntington Whiteley's Career Conversation with GQ Australia 
Rosie Huntington Whiteley
Rosie Huntington Whiteley's Career Conversation with GQ Australia 
Rosie Huntington Whiteley
Rosie Huntington Whiteley's Career Conversation with GQ Australia 
Rosie Huntington Whiteley
Rosie Huntington Whiteley's Career Conversation with GQ Australia 
Rosie Huntington Whiteley
Rosie Huntington Whiteley's Career Conversation with GQ Australia 
Rosie Huntington Whiteley
Photo Credit: Simon Emmett for GQ Australia
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