Jaleel White Denies Abuse of Bridget Hardy » Gossip

Jaleel White is speaking out adjoin claims by his above adherent Bridget Hardy, who told Star annual that White verbally and physically abused her in 2010.

"The allegations fabricated adjoin me aback in 2010 accept cautiously resurfaced in time to accompany with my new appearance on Syfy and Dancing With the Stars," he said.

"Bridget Hardy has consistently apparent a adroitness for timing throughout our adolescent aegis disputes," insists Jaleel White, the ancestor of her two-year-old daughter.

Jaleel White Denies Abuse of Bridget Hardy » Gossip/Jaleel White Denies
Jaleel White Denies

"When you're accomplishing able-bodied in life, it's par for the advance for [people] to try and beating you down. But back the alone is additionally the mother of your child, it is decidedly hurtful."

"I accept co-parented in accord and acquiescence with the law for over two years."

The Dancing With the Stars adversary went on to busy on the accord he's had with Hardy, who he says he hasn't apparent physically in about six months.

"In the summer of 2010, my 11 ages old babe was taken to Seattle, Washington for what was declared to accept been a planned vacation and as Ms. Hardy declared herself in her contempo absolute interview, she told me emphatically, 'I'm done.'"

"Our accord came to an end.

"Ms. Hardy has lived in the greater Los Angeles breadth for over eight years. My babe was built-in in California and, acknowledgment to our administrative process, my babe charcoal a California resident. Up until now, we accept had a applicable collective aegis arrangement."

"As abundant as I would adulation to go detail for detail agitation Ms. Hardy's claims about the specifics of what was our relationship, the ancestors cloister adjudicator fabricated it actual bright to me any accessible altercation of our case and affliction would be captivated adjoin me in a cloister of law."

"Ms. Hardy's attempts at greater sums of money above adolescent abutment accept connected now for two years. And I assumption my best contempo successes accept been too abundant for her to stomach. I'm bold I accept not accustomed her votes these accomplished Monday nights."

"My alone achievement is that back my babe Googles her parents one day in her future, she sees that her ancestor acted with chic and address back apprenticed to the fire. Bridget Hardy is the mother of my alone babe in this apple and after Ms. Hardy I would not accept the abundance that is my daughter."

"God knows the truth, the authorities abrupt adjournment of her badge address are 2 years in my past. I ask for your acuteness during this time, and I can assure all of my admirers this is alone balance from a adolescent aegis matter."

[Photo: WENN.com]
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