Twin Sisters Productions: Dinosaur Floor Puzzle Review & Giveaway

Can I say it enough?  About how much I LOVE products from Twin Sisters Productions?!  This time I have the opportunity to review and give away one of their giant 2'x3' floor puzzles.

I am in love with Twin Sisters Productions giant floor puzzles for one big reason: deep extended learning.  Their giant floor puzzles include a CD that has songs that go along with the puzzle as well as extra activities you can print off or your computer.  The learning is deeper as you hear the music while you assemble the puzzle, and learning keeps going even after the puzzle is all put together when you work on the extra materials included on the CD.  I was really excited when I saw the United States map giant floor puzzle - then I remember that we already have a big United States puzzle - but I sure wish I had the one from Twin Sisters Productions that came with the CD!

I love the giant 2'x3' dinosaur floor puzzle for my 3-year-old.  The puzzle pieces are big enough for her to manipulate and for her to see and match the patterns.  Sometimes teeny tiny puzzle pieces slip out of little hands and are hard to line up just right.  The big puzzle pieces are perfect for preschooler hands.  We listened to the CD (included with the dinosaur floor puzzle) while we were putting together the puzzle and my 3-year-old exclaimed, "Mom!  He say Tyrannosaurus Rex!  That's this one. This one, here, MOM!".  Now if that isn't learning in action, then I don't know what is!  The CD got me thinking, too... we think we know a lot about the dinosaurs - we've found their fossils and have assembled their bones, but we really don't know what color they were, do we?  Learning was happening all around in our house while we were assembling the puzzle.  :)

Twin Sisters Productions is giving away a dinosaur floor puzzle!  Just fill out the form below:


DISCLOSURE: *All opinions are 100% mine. I received trade compensation from Twin Sisters Productions in exchange for this review/giveaway.
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