Celeb Gossip » Kristen Stewart Spills About Filming The Twi-Wedding

 Kristen Stewart Spills About Filming The Twi-Wedding Kristen Stewart 
 Kristen Stewart Spills About Filming The Twi-Wedding

For most of us, just seeing her royal hotness Kristen Stewart in person would be cause enough for us to squee our polyester pants. But for some 6,000 lucky attendees at Comic-Con yesterday, the lady herself spilled about filming one of the most squee-worthy scene in the entire Twilight Saga: the wedding scene with vamp-love Robert Pattinson! “I’d been ramping up to shoot that scene for four years,” she told the assembled crowd at the Breaking Dawn press junket. “They also put it at the end of the entire filming…When I got to set I was just as nervous and terrfiied as I expected myself to be.”

And for good reason: the scene features some of the most guarded wardrobe selections in Hollywood, and our fair K-Stew had to deal with White House-level secrecy. “I had to go get locked away in a room for the rest of the day because I was locked into my dress and had to protect it. It was secret service-style security. Everyone was grumbling around the set, ‘I can’t have a cell phone.’ It was like, ‘You don’t understand how much this means to us, thank you so much. If this dress gets on the internet I’ll die!’ That really was crazy.” Luckily for her (but unfortunately for us) no on set pix of the gown have leaked, so you’ll just have to wait ’til it blows up theaters nation wide in November to check it out!

[Photo: Getty Images]
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