Manhattan Toy PJ Tots Review & Giveaway

My daughter received a little friend in the mail. Her new "best friend in the whooooole wiiiiiiiiiide world", a pink PJ Tots doll from Manhattan Toy. She came equipped with her own sleeping bag, ready for a sleep-over (although, judging by the Toddler's scream-squealing tight huggy-squeezing reaction to the PJ Tots doll, I think she'll be staying around more than just one night).

Little does my daughter know that before I even got this review Daddy already picked up another Manhattan Toy best friend for her birthday. It's good we've had this Manhattan Toy PJ Tots doll trial run - 'cuz now we know for sure that she'll love more "best friend!" dolls Manhattan Toy. At her upcoming birthday she may just be getting LOTS of best friends! A fairy best friend, a ballerina best friend, a princess best friend and a mermaid best friend...

Probably my favorite thing about the PJ Tots doll is that it's clothes are sewn on and she can't be undressed. I spend so much time putting dolls' clothes back
on. One of the first things the Toddler tried to do
was get the PJ Tots doll pajamas off. "Mommy, dis no come off!". NOPE - it doesn't! BWAHAHA! The PJ Tots doll's sleeping bag accessory is easy enough for the Toddler to do herself, too. It has one dot of velcro to make it easy to take the doll in and out. And it has an oh-so-handy handle, perfect for toting dolly around the house.

If you happen to have a lil'man around the house (which I do), the Boysterous sports action figures are the ones I have an eye on for my Little Guy. The Toddler got something from Manhattan Toy, so baby boy just might, too.

Manhattan Toy is giving away
a PJ Tots doll!

Here's how to enter
(leave multiple comments and get one entry for each thing you do). Up to 13 ENTRIES!:
  • ANSWER - What do you want from Manhattan Toy?
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*A winner will be picked Monday, April 25, 2011.

Check out more upcoming giveaways!

roduct was supplied by Manhattan Toy for this review. This is a MamaBzz review.
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