Miche Bag Review & Giveaway {CLOSED}

Miche Bags are interchangeable designer handbags, perfect for any occasion. Miche Bags has two sizes of bag, the Classic Bag and the Big Bag. OH MY GOODNESS! I just visited their site today and saw that they have MINI MICHE BAGS, too! Every girl needs all of the Miche Bags base sizes, as well as at least five to ten to fifteen (or even more) outer shells. Big and little, as long as you have a wide variety (which Miche Bags definitely offers) you can't go wrong. If you can't find something you like in the gallery, create a custom Miche Bag!

So.... what are Miche Bags? The Miche Bags is probably the best idea ever thought up for purses. It's a bag with interchangeable outer shells. There are super strong magnets in the bag that hold the shell on (no, it won't hurt your credit cards, read this). The shells come in many different colors and styles - from sporty to 'slouchy'. Change the shell every day to match your outfit! Or change it a few times a day - why not?! Such a simple and absolutely brilliant idea.

The Miche Bags company is the brainchild of two Moms, Michelle Romero (2 kids) and Annette Cavaness (3 kids). The Miche Bags is sold in ten different countries all around the globe.Most of the bags are sold at purse parties, and some are sold at retail stores. You can purchase your own designer handbag by Miche Bag right now! Check out the endless possibilities available at www.michebag.com.

In honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, Miche Bags has created the "Hope" shell. A $5 donation is made with every purchase of the "Hope" shell.

Miche Bags is giving away the Danielle BIG BAG base and shell!

Earn entries with some play-along fun:

  1. Tell me which Miche Bag shell is your favorite.
  2. Tell me what you are going to be for Halloween this year.
  3. Tell me which Halloween candy describes your personality?
Earn entries the good ol'way:
All items are open to new or existing followers - but even if you're existing, you have to comment on this contest post to get your entries counted.Wowzers! If you do all of these things you can earn up to 12 entries! LEAVE SEPARATE ENTRIES FOR EACH THING YOU DO.

Remember you have to leave your comments here to let me know which ones you've done and how many entries you've earned. Good luck!

***A winner will be picked Monday, November 1, 2010 using Random.org.***

Product was supplied by Miche Bags for this review & giveaway.

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