WIN Products from EcoStore USA {CLOSED}

How excited was I when I got the chance to host an eco-friendly product giveaway? Well, I drive a Prius - so, VERY!

I found these very interesting things on the EcoStore site. Did you know these facts about household products?

  • According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers accidental poisonings occur in the home every 30 seconds.
  • The National Safety Council has reported that more children under four die of from accidental poisoning than are killed by guns.
  • A report by the EPA to Congress determined household cleaners three times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor air pollution.
  • People who work from home and are more frequently exposed to household toxins and poor air quality are 50% more likely to develop cancer.
  • Newborn infants have trace levels of toxic chemicals in their bodies, passed on by their mother’s exposure.
I can really get behind the environmentally cleaning products from EcoStore USA. They have all sorts of things from products to clean your house to products to clean yourself. Don't you sometimes wonder what those harsh chemicals are doing to the environment, your kids and your pets? Right now EcoStore USA online is having a "Back to School" sale - if you buy $50 worth of product they will match your order, just enter the code 2for1 at checkout (read more about it on their home page). Not only that, but they have FREE shipping on orders over $25! Want to learn more about EcoStore USA? Check out these informative videos.

And now for the FREE STUFF!
How about some something for your house, the Natural Citrus Spray Cleaner:

And something for you, the Coconut Soap! (I have the soap sitting on the desk and it smells SO GOOD!)

Here's how to enter:

I'll pick a winner Monday [9/28/09] by putting all the entries (including multiple entries) into

Each one of these things earns you one entry! Comment me on this post about each thing you do. (Link back to All items are open to new or existing users.
  • Post on your site about this contest.
  • Put my button on your site.
  • Use a Dotty Dot Dot background on your blog!
  • Become a follower of this blog. If you're a new or an existing follower, let me know and I'll count it (but even existing followers have to comment here, it's not an automatic entry)!
  • Post about this contest on your Facebook.
  • Tweet about this contest on Twitter.
  • Just leave your name in a comment on this post.
Remember you have to comment here to let me know what you've done and I'll put your entries in! Good luck!
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